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Posts categorized under Public Health Archives - Office of the Mayor

City of Seattle Expands Youth Mental Health Services with $7 Million in Local Provider Partnerships 

Alongside the new partnership with Talkspace, increased staffing at school-based health centers, and other holistic approaches, seven local mental health and wellness organizations will serve youth ages 13 to 24 through a suite of virtual and in-person care options SEATTLE (January 28) – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell joined education and… [ Keep reading ]

City Leaders Give Progress Update on Seattle Fire Department’s Innovative Buprenorphine Pilot Program 

Seattle is the first city in the country that allows firefighters/EMTs to administer this lifesaving medicine Seattle – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell joined the Seattle Fire Department (SFD), emergency medical responders, and health experts from the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) to give a progress update on SFD’s Buprenorphine… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Expands Youth Mental Health Supports with Launch of Talkspace Virtual Therapy

Free online therapy currently available for local teens and young adults; additional telehealth provider partners to be announced in coming weeks Seattle – Today, the City of Seattle announced a new partnership between the Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) and Talkspace, a leading online behavioral health care company,… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Issues Executive Order Advancing Compassionate and Coordinated Approach to Public Safety and Public Health Challenges in Public Spaces

Executive Order establishes the Downtown Activation Team to bring together City departments, service providers, and community partners for focused on place-based activations, cleanings, and safety operations, building on early results of decreases in violent crime and emergency calls. The One Seattle Restoration Framework outlines holistic strategies connecting emergency responses, community… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Recognizes October 2024 as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month”

The national theme of Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Heal, Hold, and Center – emphasizes efforts to help heal from violence and oppression, hold space for survivors, and center those most marginalized to end domestic violence Seattle – Mayor Bruce Harrell and members of the City Council joined together yesterday… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle to become first in nation with fire department EMTs administering buprenorphine medication in the field 

Seattle Fire Department expanding its cadre of personnel able to administer buprenorphine in the field to the department’s firefighter/EMTs. Buprenorphine can be given to patients who are being treated for an opiate overdose or to those actively experiencing withdrawal symptoms. SEATTLE – The Seattle Fire Department (SFD) is expanding its… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Directs $2.85M to Expand Substance Use Disorder Detox and Treatment Beds 

Opioid settlement funding to support expansion of services at Valley Cities Recovery Place Seattle Seattle – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced a $2.85M investment to provide dedicated detox and inpatient treatment bed capacity for those with substance use disorder (SUD). Funding will support additional bed capacity at Valley Cities Recovery… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Announces Mental Health Investment Strategy; Directs $2 Million Toward Youth Violence Prevention in New Executive Order

Mayor’s plan for mental health investments will significantly expand telehealth access from 80 students to 2000, informed by best practices and hundreds of interviews with students, parents, and providers Executive Order takes immediate steps to address gun violence affecting youth, directing new investments in violence interruption and safe communities, launching… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Announces New City Investments in Post-Overdose Recovery Facility and Enhanced Mobile Addiction Treatment Services 

New mobile medical van deploying to Pioneer Square this summer; pilot post-overdose stabilization services coming online in June SEATTLE, May 9 – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced $7 million in capital funds for facility improvements to organizations treating substance use disorder and providing post-overdose care, opioid medication delivery, and case… [ Keep reading ]

As Fires Surge in Vacant Buildings, Mayor Harrell Proposes Emergency Legislation for Faster Demolition and Remediation of Risks

Seattle – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced that he has submitted emergency legislation to amend the Seattle Fire Code and allow the Seattle Fire Department (SFD) to order and complete demolition or remediation of unsafe vacant buildings in Seattle. “These dangerous vacant buildings are known hazards that put our first… [ Keep reading ]