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Eviction Moratorium Will Expire at the End of February

Announcing a final two-week extension of the eviction moratoria, Mayor Bruce Harrell issues directive to support vulnerable tenants and small landlords through $25 million in emergency assistance, online resources Seattle – Today, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced that residential and commercial eviction moratoria will expire at the end of the month of February. Mayor Harrell will issue an Executive Order… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell: City Remains Committed to West Seattle Bridge Repair as Continued Concrete Strike Threatens Reopening Schedule

Other critical projects impacted by the strike include Waterfront Seattle Program, Madison RapidRide G Line, Ship Canal Water Quality Project, Vision Zero 23rd Ave Corridor, Sidewalk, and Citywide Accessibility Improvements Seattle – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced that the region’s contract strike would delay the reopening schedule for the West Seattle Bridge program if it continues past February 20. The potential delay is due to the need this month for… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Bruce Harrell: “We Will Not Tolerate Crime in Seattle”

In the face of increased crime, Mayor lays out priorities and discusses immediate efforts that are leading to tangible results Seattle – Today, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell held a press conference to lay out early strategies the City of Seattle is taking to address crime and share immediate priorities to improve public safety. Mayor Harrell was joined by Police Chief Adrian Diaz and… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Bruce Harrell Announces New Leadership at Offices of Sustainability and Environment, Economic Development, and Department of Neighborhoods

New appointments include Jessyn Farrell at OSE, Markham McIntyre at OED, and Greg Wong at DON Seattle – Today, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced the appointment of three new members of his Cabinet. Former State Representative Jessyn Farrell will lead the Office of Environment and Sustainability, taking over for Interim Director Michelle Caulfield, who will return to… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Bruce Harrell Announces New COVID Testing Site and Expanded Options

Testing site at SPU opens Wednesday; new rapid PCR tests available in three locations later this month Seattle – As the Omicron surge in COVID cases continues, today Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced new and improved testing options for Seattleites opening this month. “As the Omicron variant continues to surge in our community and around the country so… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Bruce Harrell to Issue New Executive Order and Extend Eviction Moratorium for 30 Days

Mayor Harrell will issue new order calling on City departments to improve processes for coordination, relevant data collection, and support resource delivery to tenants and small landlords Mayor Harrell will extend eviction moratorium and continue to suspend utility shut offs and certain methods of parking ticket enforcement Seattle –Today, Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Appoints New Department Leaders and Hires Director of Public Safety

Hamdi Mohamed will direct the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs; Maiko Winkler-Chin will lead the Office of Housing; Andrew Myerberg will join the Mayor’s Office as Director of Public Safety Seattle – Today, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell announced additional members of his Cabinet, appointing new directors to the Office of Housing and the Office of Immigrant… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell Announces New Vaccination Resources for Seattle Residents

New partnerships with Virginia Mason and Othello Pharmacy expand vaccination opportunities for Seattle communities Seattle – As the Omicron variant continues to drive rising COVID-19 case numbers and increased pandemic uncertainty, today Mayor Bruce Harrell announced expanded health care partnerships and new opportunities for COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters for Seattle residents, including a new Virginia Mason clinic and community partner pop-up vaccination opportunities through… [ Keep reading ]

We Are One Seattle – Inauguration Address

Remarks as prepared by Mayor Bruce Harrell at his ceremonial swearing in ceremony. Watch the event here and read remarks below: Good Morning Seattle! Happy New Year! I would like to begin by acknowledging members of my Executive Team who have answered the call of public service, lending their talent… [ Keep reading ]

Welcome to the Mayor’s Blog

Mayor Harrell is committed to making the work of the City of Seattle accessible and understandable to all. Over his term in office, he and his staff will use this blog and website to share updates, initiatives, priorities, and reflections – giving Seattle residents an inside look at their local… [ Keep reading ]